crafts & hobbies

how I keep track of all my plans.

just Elise this season chatting crafts, hobbies and life. This episode is about how I keep track of alllll my plans from a macro ten year level to tasks that come in through email each day.

Above are photos of everything I mentioned — you can click to enlarge. :)


Book of the week:

This week’s (semi) craft book:

thoughts on documenting life these days.

just Elise this season chatting crafts, hobbies and life. This episode is about documenting memories! I share a bit of my backstory and how scrapbooking was my original creative habit (for over a decade!) and then how I switched to other things based on my interests changing. I share a few of the easy ways I like to “keep” memories now.


This week’s (semi) craft book:

  • I actually forgot to mention this but I use a One Line a Day journal every night! I am in the middle of my third year and it’s a great way to record snippets from the day with very low stress


making time for hobbies when you have kids.

just Elise this season chatting crafts, hobbies and life. This episode shares my thoughts on how I make time for hobbies with little kids. I get asked this more than almost anything whenever I share a project online. My advice honest, encouraging and realistic I promise.


not much this week as this was sort of a confessional/non-stressful pep talk :) but…